Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Wednesday American Idol night!!

Are you an Idol watcher????  I am, plus I am in an American Idol Pool, so I watch very intensly.  LOL 
My favorites this year are James & Scotty, James can sing anything and Scotty well his low voice just gets my country side every time he sings. As for the girls I like Lauren the best.  

So, now to set the DVR  for my Ghost Hunters, yep I'm a Ghost Hunter and Ghost Adventure watcher too.  :) Love me some Zak and Aaron and Jason and Grant.  :) 

Well, hope everyone has a wonderful Hump Day~~~
 Steven Tyler~love him as a judge this year

 Jennifer Lopez~same, great judge this year

 Now my favs...James who can sing ANYTHING

 Scotty~I love that LOW VOICE

 Lauren ~ Keep it up girl~~~


  1. I'll be watching with you. So far James is my favorite, and Scotty is my husband's favorite.

    Check my blog tomorrow for my favorites on the show tonight.

  2. sounds great, we vote on our bottom 3 and who will go I will be posting mine also!
